Payment Via Convenience Store

Many shop or stores in Japan has a service that allows the user to pay their payment via EC site (Electronic Commerce, in short Webstore), and among the ways to pay there is a [Pay with Credit Card] method. But as a fact, there is a high number of people who don’t use Credit Card, and that is a problem that needs to be solved.

There are 3 main reasons why some people don’t want to use Credit Cards

1/ Don’t want to send any sensitive information to the bank to avoid the risk of leaking personal information.

2/ There are many other ways to pay than using Credit Cards.

3/ Under 20 is prohibited from signing up for Credit Card.

Thus, we will establish the “payment via convenience store” method, which can be used by customers of all ages and can be used at any time.

■Advantages of applying for convenience store payment

【Advantage 1】There is no need for [Payment Tickets/ Slip]

Any essential information for payment will be display directly on the user’s smart device, which can be print out with paper, provided by the user himself.

【Advantage 2】There is no need to establish an individual contract with every convenience store

The customer will only do the payment in the major convenience store chains (7Eleven, Lawson, Ministop, FamilyMart, Daily Yamazaki, Seicomart) and the contract is just between the user and the payment agency.

The customers can do their payments at the nearest convenience store at any given time in 24h, and businesses can check the payment status in real-time.

※ Payment status and sales progress can be confirmed on the management screen.

Contact us if you interest in this type of payment.

◆◇ Translation ◇◆

We can translate languages such as “Vietnamese”, “Chinese” and “English”.
Regarding quality, please see each language by switching languages on our site (top and right of the page).


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