Websites (Web System) Maintenance

When a website is being built, many people think that would be enough, but to operate smoothly, “Diverse Management” is required.

Moreover, unexpected problems or system failures may occur.
At our company, based on our specialized knowledge and experience, we would happily do for you the services as written below:

[In regular time]

[Server Load Monitoring]

Monitors the server for extreme loads (such as processing a large amount of data at once) and responds quickly when a problem occurs.

[Sytem Failure Monitoring]

Continuously check if the website system runs smoothly. If it is temporarily unresponsive, we will consider its function has stopped and will resolve it according to the rules agreed in advance.

[Data Backup]

The data is flowing through the server daily. From a viewpoint, when the system getting troubles, protecting the data is indispensable from protecting assets and credits of a company.
Exp: The content published on the website OR the information that clients entered such as [purchase of a product], [member registration], or [request for materials].

At our company, we will proceed with a full backup to the database once a day. In a case of emergency, we could restore the number of backup time (up to 7 times/7 generations). ∗Please consult with us about the backup [number of times for a day] and [how many generations?].

[Server • Domain • SSL Server Certificate Renewal]

We will support each update with an expiration date.

∗[Server] — A computer that integrates systems (programs) for functioning information and services provided via the Internet.

*[Domain] — A website address that plays an important role. For example, speaking of the domain website, it is

*[SSL Server Certificate Renewal] — Digital certificate used for SSL encrypted communication. It is a technology that encrypts communication on the Internet and is used to prevent credit card information or password from being stealing away.

[CMS Version Upgrade]

Some open-source software, such as WordPress, is frequently updated. In most cases, the security vulnerabilities needed to be fixed, so an update is required.

*CMS [Content Manager System] — A system that centrally stores and manages “text,” “images,” “design,” “layout information (templates),” etc. that makeup website content.

At a time of system failure

We will analyze the cause of a system failure and apply the recovery measurement.

*Weekdays:  9:00 ~ 18:00 (business hours)

Restore up to the latest backup within 2 business days after restoration (in the case of Sakura Premium).


◆◇ Translation ◇◆

We can translate languages such as “Vietnamese”, “Chinese” and “English”.
Regarding quality, please see each language by switching languages on our site (top and right of the page).

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