Systematization Of The [“Gratitude Email”] And [“Subscription Email”]

Do you ever wonder how to send the “Gratitude Email” and “Subscription Email” after selling a product or serving a customer at the right time? For example:

“xx days after the customer purchased the product.”

“xx days from the last visit of the customer.”

What if you can do such settings like above, would it make sending email more comfortable? If the answer is yes, we have a system that can automatically send an email to the customer at the right time according to your wish.

Moreover, a conditional search is embedded inside the system to ensure the right email will be sent.

Each of the consecutive sent emails may lead to a repeat customer. If you have any inquiries, please let us know.

※ It is possible to import/ export distribution lists and customers’ databases (customer attribute information) in a group by using a CSV file.

◆◇ Translation ◇◆

We can translate languages such as “Vietnamese”, “Chinese” and “English”.
Regarding quality, please see each language by switching languages on our site (top and right of the page).

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